in Rome, Italy in 1956. Completed her Bachelor
of Architecture degree in 1982 at RMIT University
Melbourne Australia. Joined McGauran Soon architects
in 1889 as principal design architect. Became
a partner of the firm in 1997. Her projects have
won RAIA awards in 1992, 1995 and 1999. In 1995
she was awarded a grant from The Australian Council
for the Arts for Metroscape II a study on the
design of freeways. She has been a guest critic
and design tutor at RMIT, Melbourne and Deakin
Universities and chairman or member of several
RAIA awards program Juries.
design was approached at achieving the best
integration between the context,
the program,
the technical tools
available at the time and the
architectural representation.
The aim was to design a building where all
these elements made their contribution |
to the design to create a whole that was
greater than the sum of its parts.
The form of the building consists of
two volumes; one as enclosed
as possible, the other, open at both ends.
The relatively simple requirements of the
residential program allow freedom to manipulate
materials and technology in
relation to the spaces and volumes of the
building. This creates the opportunity to
utilise a
degree of reduction of the external elements
to achieve clarity of
form. To counteract the tendency
to strip the building bear the detailing
of the steel and timber cladding was carefully
considered lending greater expressive power
to the chosen materials and in volumes.
This detailing strategy
lends certain descriptiveness to the design,
which is intended order to avoid abstraction.