did her Bachelors in Architecture in CEPT, Ahmedabad
in 1883. Then did her Masters in Urban Design
in 1987. After doing her Apprenticeship with Christopher
Benninger, Pune, she is now a partner in 3D Workshop,
Ahmedabad, India since 1996, and an Associate
Architect with M/s Hasmukh C. Patel since 1990.
In between she also worked with several Architects
in USA and Switzerland. She has won awards like
J.T. Mitchell Travelling Fellowship, Student Exchange
fully air-conditioned guest-house with an
area of 3000 sq mt consisting of ten self
contained rooms and suites. Provision
of recreation room, library, dining hall and
a sunken garden. The programme called for
a training centre comprising a classroom lab
and office and a guest house comprising eight |
double rooms, two suites, common room, library,
a dining room and a kitchen. The extremely
tight site was exploited to locate the
training centre in the basement and create a sunken