Designed in the existing Yadavindra Public
School Campus, the project aimed at providing
facilities for the Junior School. School
Building includes Classrooms and multipurpose,
semi-enclosed auditorium with a capacity
of 300 persons. The new building derives
its elements out of the brick
building tradition of Punjab and echoes
the rhythm of the facade of the existing
main school building. It's core, the multipurpose
amphitheatre makes a
lively hub, which is animated
at all times because the circulation is
always skirting around it.
The project involves a
housing development for
the teachers and staff of the Yadavindra
Public School, Patiala.
design had to cater for changing requirements
of sizes depending on the needs of
the faculty and their families at
any point of time.
campus comprises:
Science Blocks Auditorium Hostels Dining Hall Swimming
existing campus faced a lot of organisational
problems due to the unplanned and haphazard
The design brief for the expanded campus evolved
out of the need to create a physical
and infrastructural
clarity of space and its use and to induce
an overall sense of order, openness
and visual
connectedness. The new buildings are
kept simple in form and enriched in colour
and texture, which
echo those of the existing buildings.
Brick, stone and slate, used to create a visually
striking and rich finish requiring almost no maintenance.
The outer two sides of the auditorium present the
formal, public face of the new structure. Brick
masonry with stone infill walls is typical of Dehradun.