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South Asian Architecture
The Architect in Search of a Role.

In contrast to the cut and dried role of the prima donna elitist architect, defined in the context of the industrially developed countries, the South Asian scene presents myraid possibilities for the architect. Not least because, even as 21st century has dawned, the enormous populations of South Asian Countries will continue to bear the burnt of proverty, illiteracy, ill-health and lack of resources.

The region's rapidly growing Metropoliton centers will house the largest concentrations of population, where at one hand the majority of residents will belong to the disadvantage 'lower circuit', at the same time, because of technological progress represented by large bussinesses and monopolies, the upper circuits will continue to flourish and expand.

In the context of South Asian realities, what is the role of the architect?

Is she the community developer assisting residents of informal settlements in upgrading and self-help efforts;
or the socially aware researchers, working to provide innovation solutions to the problem of low income groups from advocating improved vernacular technologies to using latest techniques for quick implementation of mass housing programmes;
or the activist fighting for causes, crusading against the prodliferation of 5-storeyed walkup 'vertical slums', built by calous developers, and encouraged by politicians in search of visible symbols of so called moernity and progress,

but disadvantageous for the risk groups such as the elderly and children and detrimental to the family fabric;

or the feminist promoting appropriate shelter designs from the point of view of woman and children-hazard-free kitchens, open-to-sky spaces for work and vegetable gardens, etc, and tailored to womens views of priorities for the planning and implementation of commmunity design;

or is she the culturally-responsive architect, doumenting historic urban architecture, and developing proposals for their conservation and adaptive re-use;
or the environmentally conscious interventionist, using historic architecture as an anchor to revitalize urban historic cores ;
Built to demonstrate the use of locally available technology and skills for creating economical buildings in areas with extreme climatic conditions Bhawalpur, with extremely hot temperatures, was chosen because of scanty rainfall and failure of the conventional concrete structures. After the construction of a prototype of two rooms, which demonstrated the ease and speed of construction, a 60-man barrack was built Thick, load-bearing walls utilize on-the-site produced sun-dried pendentives, and arches in verandahs and window opening etc
or is she the historian developing source material,delving in to architectural history from the native point of view, attempting to put the disruptive colonial past into perspective.
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